My role at the Guardian requires me to (1) find and analyze data, (2) report and fact check what I see, and finally, (3) visualize the most interesting parts. I've been on the team since October 2020, and have covered a wide range of topics in that time (everything from the elections to vaccines to unemployment to wildfires).
I've featured some of those pieces here.
You also check out my profile on the Guardian website for additional pieces with bylines.
Role: I built a Node app to automate (1) fetching data from government websites on a daily basis, (2) cleaning up (Turf.js) that data, and (3) making SVG basemaps using D3.js, server-side. I then annotate the base maps in Adobe Illustrator, and produce the final version using AI2HTML. This is one example of a map created using that process.
Role: Another example of maps created using my wildfire graphics rig.
Role: I've been covering the monthly jobs report, and have built out some reusable scripts in Python and Javascript/D3 to create the graphics below. The first chart shows the unemployment rate.
Role: Created a number of maps in QGIS. Article includes legend and text annotations.
Role: Created maps in QGIS, with annotations added in Illustrator.
Role: Built a rig to regularly pull CDC data to update a number of D3 interfaces up-to-date with the latest data (no intervention needed).
Role: Created base graphic using Python (pandas and matplotlib), and then polished graphic in Illustrator.
Role: Created base graphic using Python (pandas and matplotlib), and then polished graphic in Illustrator.